Souvenir from La Giudecca

ph. © atelier XYZ
Unfolding Pavilion 2018: Little Italy / Giudecca Social Housing (IACP), Venice, IT
May 25-30, 2018 / 16th Venice Architecture Biennale
Souvenir from La Giudecca
Kitsch-pop installationIn 1971, Haus-Rucker-Co, an Austrian radical architectural collective, designed Palm Tree Island, a sort of an oasis world where nature was preserved from the urban infrastructural context. This suggestion, reminding an idyllic space protected from the urban environment, kept form in a space spectacular sphere. The operation of including the urban landscape in a cliché is evidently inverse for this case: in Haus-Rucker-Co case, it was aiming to conserve nature against urban growth, while in our proposal, the whole scenery will be forced and closed in a sort of cliché box.

ph. © atelier XYZ
Nowadays we are witnessing a devaluation of the urban landscape, in particular the Italian one: it is mostly underrated, hardly depicted and mainly forced in different kind of a stereotype, as souvenirs do. Intentionally provocative, “Souvenir from La Giudecca” wants to underline the strict line between the consecration and the preservation of this architecture: from one point of view, the proposal rising up the Gino Valle’s social housing complex as a monumentum to discover and appreciate in our architectural heritage world, from the other one, it wants protecting and preserving his status inside the historic urban fabric of La Giudecca.