
1. Rome, 2018.
Giambattista Piranesi, Obelisco Egizio (1760)
Angiolo Mazzoni, Torre Serbatoio a Stazione Termini (1932)
2. Rome, 2016.
Canaletto, Prospettiva con portico (1765 - Venezia)
Louis Kahn, Centro del Governo (1962-75 - Dacca)
3. Santa Marinella, 2016.
Telemaco Signorini, Il muro bianco (1866)
Luigi Moretti, La Saracena a Santa Marinella (1955 - 57)
From “The outdoor selection”
This is a selection of an on-going series of collages based on the sovraposition, sostitution or addition of the photographs or drawings of modern and contemporary architecture grafted into old paintings, frescos and engravings.
These artworks enlight our visual approach and are the basis statement of our research.
They have been reproduced in temporary and ephemeral installations made by paste-up papers.

4. Modena, 2015.
Perugino, Storie di San Bernardino (1473)
Aldo Rossi, Cimitero di San Cataldo (1971-84)
5. Paris, 2017.
Robert Hubert, Incendie de l’Opéra (1733-1808)
Ricardo Bofill - RBTA, Les Espaces d’Abraxas (1978-83)
6. Orbetello, 2015
Sandro Botticelli - Adorazione dei tre Magi (1481-82)
Pierluigi Nervi - Aviorimessa di Orbetello (1939-41)
These outdoor artworks has been pasted up around the world, mainly in Italy (Rome, Milan, Bologna, Turin, Venice etc), Europe (London, Paris, Munich, Bruxelles) and over the ocean (Buenos Aires).

7. Rome, 2015.
Giovanni Bellini, San Francesco nel deserto (1480)
Paul Rudolph, Government Center (1963-67)
8. Milan, 2016.
Paolo Veronese, Cena a casa di Levi (1753)
BBPR, Chase Manatthan Bank (1958-69)
9. Rome, 2018.
San Girolamo nello Studio (Antonello da Messina, 1475)
Lous Kahn, Exter Library (1965-72)